Version 4.5.0 released on July 22, 2024


  • New: Integration with Tatsu page builder plugin


  • Fix: Issue where GuzzeHTTP was not using new namespace.
  • Fix: Fixed a warning message for Elastic Transcoder.


  • Fix: Updated namespacing for Guzzel to prevent conflicting Guzzel packages


  • Tweak: Updated the updater class to make API call to license server more efficient
  • New: Added slower speeds to player
  • New: Added Chromecast button to player


  • Fix: Fixed issue with new Beaver Builder Responsive Iframe UI where the \"Add S3 / Cloudfront Media\" button would not open up the shortcode builder modal.


  • Fix: Fixed transcoding issue where default role/policy wasn\'t created with rook access keys
  • Fix: Fixed issue where non-video files were attempting to be transcoded
  • Fix: Fixed issue where audio shortcode was including video quality parameter
  • Fix: Fixed guzzle conflict with multiple plugins


  • Fix: Fixed conflict with BuddyBoss
  • New: Added additional playback speed to player


  • Fix: Fixed guzzle conflict with \'Google Listings and Ads\' plugin


  • Fix: Fixed conflict with JetPack when using the block editor.


  • Fix: Fixed issue where bucket policy was not applied when distribution was created
  • Fix: Fixed a fatal error that occured when creation of bucket or distribution fails


  • Fix: Fixed issue when attempting to create bucket with invalid name would still trigger creation CF distribution
  • Fix: Fixed PHP 8 compatibility issues
  • Tweak: Always specify region in shortcode


  • Fix: Fixed issue where video shortcode wouldn\'t render in Gutenberg block.
  • Fix: Fixed issue where adding non-S3 video was not possible.


  • Fix: Fixed issue where Guzzle 7.x was conflicting with plugins using Guzzle 6.x.


  • New: Updated AWS SDK to latest.
  • New: Added S3 fallback if CloudFront distribution is deleted.
  • Tweak: Always specify bucket in shortcode.
  • Tweak: Remove CloudFront checkbox in shortcode builder if CloudFront is not configured in settings.
  • Tweak: Disabled the \"Insert Video/Audio/File Block\" button if media file is not selected.
  • Tweak: Delete pipeline after each transcoding instance to prevent reaching pipline threshold.
  • Fix: Issue when attempting to upload subsequent files on the same page/post.
  • Fix: Fixed the HelpScout Beacon on the Settings-->Support tab.


  • Fix: Issue where missing access identity was causing post editor to crash.


  • New: Full integration with CloudFront. Distributions get created automatically.
  • New: Full integration with Elastic Transcoder which allows videos to be transcoded into various resolutions upon upload.
  • New: Closed captioning support. Supports multiple languages per video.
  • New: Notification when media expiry time has been reached.
  • New: Shortcode builder UI has been simplified for CloudFront integration.


  • Fix: WP Courseware integration did not progress automatically when the completion percentage was set to a number less than 100%.
  • Fix: WP Courseware Settings tab did display correctly in the shortcode builder modal when used in the WP Courseware builder unit modal.
  • Fix: WP Courseware integration did not properly check if WP Courseware was active.
  • Fix: Updated Amazon S3 SDK to latest version.


  • Rollback: Video player source protection.
  • Fix: Full screen mode on Android devices when rotated did not display correctly.


  • New: Video player source protection.
  • New: Compatibility with Thrive Themes.
  • Fix: Conflict with LearnPress.


  • New: WordPress 5.0 / Gutenberg support S3 Video and Audio files.
  • Fix: Updated Amazon S3 SDK to latest version.


  • New: Full Integration with WP Courseware.
  • New: WP Courseware - Require video to be viewed prior to enabling \"Mark as complete\" button.
  • New: WP Courseware - Automatically complete unit when video view requirement has been met.
  • New: WP Courseware - Automatically complete unit and navigate to next unit when video view requirement has been met.
  • New: Ability to add folders inside a bucket via shortcode builder.
  • New: Ability to delete assets in a bucket / folder via shortcode builder.


  • Fix: Issue with playlist scroll bar not scrolling correctly.
  • Fix: Using escape key to exit full screen video did not resize properly upon return.
  • Fix: Vimeo videos did not have the proper width and height.
  • Fix: License updating issue with Cloudflare.
  • Fix: Updated Amazon S3 SDK to latest version.


  • New: Amazon S3 File Uploader that uploads directly to Amazon S3 making file uploads faster.
  • New: File browser now allows navigation by folder.
  • Fix: Number of files listed was limited to 1000 files.
  • Fix: Prevent password managers from autofilling and prompting to save S3 and Cloudfront details.


  • New: OptimizePress builder and landing pages compatability.
  • New: Filters \'s3mm_s3_file_name\' and \'s3mm_cloudfront_file_name\' to adjust a file name.
  • Fix: Divi Builder responive layout issue when video is inserted into an accordion.
  • Fix: Deactivating a non-valid license would throw an error.
  • Fix: License updater issue on some server configurations.


  • New: Compatibility with Elementor Builder.
  • Fix: Compatibility with other Amazon S3 plugins.
  • Fix: Conflict with WordPress SEO plugin.
  • Fix: Width and height issue when video player exits full screen mode.
  • Fix: Backwards compatibility fix for powered by link.
  • Fix: Url encode file names when they contain spaces for CloudFront signed urls.
  • Fix: Viewing update changelog caused an error.
  • Fix: Audio player speed css alignment.


  • New: Compatibility with Beaver Builder.
  • Fix: Style conflicts and further compatibility with Divi Builder.
  • Fix: Style conflicts and further compatibility with the Divi Builder.
  • Fix: S3 and CloudFront signed urls were being requested twice when loading the page.
  • Fix: Conflict with iThemes security when saving settings.
  • Fix: IE 11 settings page showed a blank screen.
  • Fix: Video and audio attributes \'autoplay\', \'controls\', \'loop\', and \'preload\' were not loading correctly.
  • Fix: Default audio height was set to 30 by default. Should be set to 40 by default.
  • Fix: Wrong rest api route and handler was being used to upload files to S3.
  • Fix: Error reporting for shortcode builder.
  • Fix: Assign the correct bucket region when creating a bucket using the shortcode builder.
  • Fix: S3 region was not being displayed in the shortcode builder.
  • Fix: Selection of files is reset when the shortcode builder is closed or file type is changed.
  • Fix: Title label of the file selection now displays the type of file.


  • Fix: To maintain backwards compatibility, remove leading slashes from file paths when signing urls from CloudFront or Amazon s3.
  • Fix: Shortcode builder compatability with Divi Builder and Visual Composer.
  • Fix: Update processor was not loading the correct license key before requesting a new file update.
  • Fix: Check and load the AWS PHP Sdk conditionally to prevent conflicts with other plugins.


  • Fix: Fix path of license updater which can fail on certain server setups.


  • Fix: Resolved and issue with the license activation process.


  • New: Deep Integration with Amazon AWS.
  • New: New and improved shortcode builder.
  • New: Ability to create buckets directly from the settings page.
  • New: Ability to add video and audio files directly from shortcode builder.
  • New: Ability to create buckets directly from shortcode builder.
  • New: Abilty to upload multiple files directly from shortcode builder.
  • New: AWS Keys are now obfuscated.
  • New: License Keys are now obfuscated.
  • New: Global defalut settings now available for player skin, splash image, player volume, player responsiveness, player metadata.
  • New: Support articles available directly from settings page.
  • New: MediaElemntsJS player 4.2.6 (latest version) now included.
  • Fix: Playlist will work with all skins.
  • Fix: Playlist now supports full screen.
  • Fix: Fixed bug so that the license key doesn’t check in on every admin init.
  • Tweak: Moved admin settings page under the WordPress Settings menu.


  • New: Added region support for Canada and London.


  • Fix: Fixed issue where CloudFront variables were not declared properly for shortcodes.
  • Fix: Fixed issue where plugin license checker didn\'t have proper conditional statement.
  • Fix: Fixed the names of the constructor methods to comply with PHP7.
  • Update: Updated the EDDSL plugin checker class.


  • New: Added new bucket regions for Seoul (Asia Pacific), Ohio (U.S.) and Mumbai (Asia Pacific).


  • Fix: Fixed bug where plugin was not communicating with our license server and displaying an \"Exceeded license limit\" error.


  • New: Added CloudFront as an option for serving content via CloudFront distribution.
  • New: Using native WordPress MediaElements javascript and css.
  • New: Added option for turing off MediaElements CSS.
  • New: Added titles option for playlists in the shortcode generator.
  • New: Added Vimeo capability.


  • New: Added a no-right-click JavaScript so that right click is not allowed on the MediaElements JS player.


  • Fix: Fixed conflict with WP Courseware when configuring WP Courseware email addresses with a long suffix.
  • Fix: Fixed function that creates URL for the plugin path.


  • New: AWS V4 Signing for bucket regions that only support V4. All buckets support V4 but not all buckets support V2 signing.
  • New: Default Region setting on the settings page.
  • New: Region setting in the shortcode generator.
  • New: Updated version of Media Elements JS player.
  • New: Playlist feature for video and audio.
  • New: Added new shortcode parameter \"titles\" for playlists.
  • New: Added localization template file.


  • Tweak: Modified affiliate function to reflect our new affiliate system.


  • New: Ability to embed YouTube videos.
  • New: Ability to make videos responsive.
  • New: Added default audio/video height and width setting.
  • New: New documentation page with new videos.


  • Fix: Fixed a minor bug with local library files.


  • Fix: Updated local libraries and MediaElements libraries.


  • New: Updated localization functions in preparation for full localization.


  • Fix: Fixed the updater class bug that prevents plugin details to display in the light box.


  • Base Plugin Release.