E-Learning Tech Tool Series: PopBoardz
In today’s E-Learning Tech Tool Series video, we discuss an exciting new app for the iPad called PopBoardz. We’ve been using this tool for a couple of weeks now and it’s a fantastic app for those of you who deliver presentations live, through webinars, or via screencast.
Best of all, it’s free!
We know a very large number of you are using iPads in an educational or instructional environment and this trend shows no sign of slowing down as Apple continues to make major steps forward in education.
Check it out and let us know what you think in the comments section of this blog post!
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Thanks for the tip. I’ve tested popboardz in conjuction with Reflector (on Mac OS X) and Screenflow. Beautiful!
Hey Saba,
You’re welcome! Yes, the three of those apps together are what I used to produce the video you saw. They can be a very powerful combination!
This is so very cool…. A (dumb maybe) question. 🙂 I’m using WPCW to deliver an online course. Once you create a presentation using popboardz, can the presentation itself then be turned into a video (or uploaded file of some kind) that can be posted inside a WPCW Course Unit? Does it allow a registered, logged in user to flip through the screens (tiles) at their own pace to absorb the info that way?
Not a dumb question at all…actually this is a very good question. It forced me into a little research this morning :-). Popboardz does have an export function, but not in a format that you’d be looking for. What I would recommend is recording your Popboardz presentation into a movie. With the recent release of OSX Yosemite, Quicktime now has the ability to record your iPhone, iPad with iOS 8. Here is a link to a great tutorial: http://www.tekrevue.com/tip/record-iphone-screen-quicktime/. Once you have recorded your presentation onto an MP4 you can then embed that on your course unit. If you’d like to protect the video, don’t forget about S3 Media Maestro, our multimedia player plugin with security.