WP Courseware Version 3.9 is Here With Course Prerequisites, Question Importing, and More!
We’re on a roll here at Fly Plugins! After receiving such tremendous feedback from our 2016 WP Courseware user survey and hiring an entirely new development team, we’re looking forward to several exciting updates in the coming weeks.
Again, after the hundreds of user survey submissions we received, we were able to take a look at the most commonly requested features and start implementing those first.
WP Courseware version 3.9 focuses on four of those most common requests, as well as a few other minor updates and fixes.
Course Prerequisites
This has by far been one of the most common feature requests we receive. And now it’s here! With version 3.9, you can now require students to complete one or more courses before they can access another course.
And it’s very simple to set up! Just go into a training course’s settings, click on the “Prerequisites” tab, and select the other WP Courseware courses that you want a user to complete before accessing that course. Cool, huh?
Add Questions Directly to Question Pool
In the past, the only way to add a question to the question pool, or bank, was by adding it to an existing quiz and saving it. But now you can add questions directly to the question pool, including any question type, for use in your WP Courseware quizzes.
New Question Import Functionality
We hear from several new users every week who are transitioning over to WP Courseware from other web-based or WordPress LMS solutions. And some of these users have hundreds or even thousands of quiz questions.
Many of you have asked for manual quiz question entry to be a thing of the past…and now it is! With version 3.9 of WP Courseware, you’ll be able to add all of your questions to a CSV file and import them straight to the question pool. Within the plugin, you’ll find documentation on how to format that document, as well as an example CSV template to work from.
And of course, you can still continue to manually add smaller quantities of questions to the question pool or a quiz.
Filter Units by Course
We also have some users who have hundreds of course units across multiple courses. In the past, locating units associated with a certain course for editing or adding new content hasn’t been easy. You could search the course units listing screen for part or all of a particular unit title, but that was it. However, we’ve now added a feature to allow you to filter your course units by the associated course so that you can more easily find what you’re looking for.
To celebrate the release of WP Courseware version 3.9, we’d like to extend a special, limited-time offer to all of you!
If you haven’t yet purchased a WP Courseware license, or if you’d like to upgrade your existing license, enter the discount code THREEDOTNINE at checkout to receive 20% off of your purchase.
If you’re an existing WP Courseware license holder, you can upgrade your license from within the Fly Plugins member portal under the “Licenses” tab.
This discount code will expire on Sunday, July 3rd at 11:59PM EST, so don’t miss out!
You’ll be happy to know that WP Courseware version 3.9 has been released and it’s waiting for you in your “Installed Plugins” panel.
Simply click the “Update Now” option and you’re ready to go!
Not a problem…We have you covered! Simply click on the image below to be taken to our YouTube channel where you’ll find dozens of tutorial videos, including two new videos covering course prerequisites and importing quiz questions. And as always, you can search our channel for any other specific functionality you need help with!
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