How to Launch Your WP Courseware Courses with Digital Access Pass
Digital Access Pass (DAP) is one of the leaders when it comes to membership plugins in the WordPress space. DAP was designed for internet marketers and has a lot of great features which allow you to automate your membership payments, manage recurring subscriptions, and even upsell customers on higher value products or membership levels.
There are so many possibilities for putting together a membership site using DAP to sell your WP Courseware courses!
In today’s post, I want to accomplish three things:
- Announce that we have integration with DAP. Woohoo! Now that’s out of the way.
- Highlight some of the cool features of DAP that can be beneficial for selling WP Courseware courses.
- Provide a tutorial video created by our friend @veenap, co-founder of DAP, showing details on how to set up WP Courseware and DAP.
Did I Mention That WP Courseware is Officially Integrated with DAP?
Veena from DAP recently reached out to us as she has spent a considerable amount of time researching WordPress learning management system plugins to deliver a course she has planned for launch later this year. It turns out she is a big fan of one of our long-time WP Courseware customers, David Risley, and his online marketing strategies for bloggers. David Risley started using WP Courseware in 2013 to run his very successful Blog Marketing Academy catalog of courses, which boasts over 15,000 students. Be sure to check out our case study on David Risley’s course.
We were honored when Veena contacted us to let us know that she had settled on WP Courseware as her WordPress learning management system plugin. Once we got connected, we began to discuss the possibility of integrating our two awesome products.
Veena and her development team actually added the integration directly into DAP, and we are super happy to announce that WP Courseware and DAP are fully integrated.
The really cool thing is that you can now sell your courses with DAP and take full advantage of its feature-rich membership functionality. There are three key features of DAP which I feel will be most beneficial for selling courses. These include the ability to upsell, a massive variety of payment gateway options, and a built-in affiliate module which does not require you to purchase and configure a separate system to let others promote your courses.
Wait…Did I Hear You Say You’re Not Upselling Premium Courses?
One of the great features of DAP is the built in upsell functionality. Nate and I have recently been talking about the power of upselling and how a simple upsell can produce a significant amount revenue. You’re basically brining a customer in at a low price point and then gently pushing them toward something more valuable that you offer.
Think of it this way…
If someone has already clicked your buy now button, that person has just said “Yes, I trust you and I am ready to give you money for what you have to offer!”
There is no better time to ask that customer if they’d like to add value to their purchase as a one time offer (OTO) for an incremental sum. You’ve likely seen this over and over with online purchases…”But wait! Add this additional XYZ today and today only and receive X% off and lifetime access!”
The possibilities for upselling are endless, but with WP Courseware users they often include premium training levels, advanced ebook strategy guides, or even personal consulting options.
Pick a Bank…Any Bank!
DAP also offers a ton of options for payment processors and third-party shopping carts. This is great news because you have a variety of payment gateways to choose from when it comes to selling your courses online. Here is a running list from DAP’s site:
- 1SiteAutomation
- ClickBank
- ClickBank PitchPlus
- DigiResults
- DealGuardian
- e-Junkie
- Google Checkout
- Infusionsoft
- JVZoo
- Nanacast
- Ontraport
- Paypal Standard
- Paypal Sandbox
- Paypal Website Payments Pro
- PayPal Express Checkout
- Premium Web Cart
- Plimus
- Warrior Plus
- WorldPay
- WP eStore storefront plugin
- Zaxaa
WOW! That’s a pretty exhaustive list!
Let Your Affiliates Market Your Courses for You!
Another feature that stands out is the fact that DAP has an affiliate module to run a full-on affiliate program. Affiliate programs are really cool because you are basically paying people to promote your product. It’s a win-win situation because you are gaining a customer base, as well as building an email list and providing your affiliate with a commission for bringing the customer into your business. An affiliate program is an excellent way to promote an online course. Have you read Nate’s post A Complete Guide to Boosting Your Course Sales with an Affiliate Program?
These are just three of the features which might assist in selling your online courses. However, there are literally dozens of features within DAP. For a comprehensive list, visit the DAP features page.
So How Does the Integration Work?
Veena from DAP kindly created a step-by-step tutorial on setting up DAP with WP Courseware on the DAP blog. She also created a tutorial video on that page which I’ll link to below.
Are you using DAP with WP Courseware? If so, are you taking advantage of upselling or cross-selling for your online course? Are you running an affiliate program for your course? Let us know in the comments below.
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Would you like to test drive WP Courseware for Free?
No credit card required
Hoping to confirm WP Courseware can use WooCommerce + and is not forced to use PayPal or Stripe
Hi Colin,
See my response to Andy above 👆.
Hi Ben
I have a client looking to get off of PayPal and Stripe due to some of their obstacles, and high fees. We have a WooCommerce PlugIn using 2 gateways, CardPointe and
We have integrated this to WooCommerce for thousands of clients. Could this be used with WP Courseware? If so, what are the steps?
Hi Andy, great question. WP Courseware has integration with WooCommerce. The integration allows you to associate course(s) with products. When a purchase is made with any WooCommerce payment gateway, the purchaser is enrolled into the courses associated with the product. All that to say, your payment gateway plugin should work out of the box with WP Courseware.